When You Arrive

When you arrive, you can park in the back parking lot or on the street. You can join us out front, meet George and his team, for some fresh poured over coffee before our gathering begins at 10am. We worship together as a family at the beginning, so come on in and enjoy a time of welcoming one another

Worship Gathering

Our worship gathering consists of singing, sharing, prayer, and some teaching from our pastor. We are very casual and our time together is very friendly. Our gathering lasts about 75 minutes.


Kids and families are a high priority for us.

We gather together for worship up to the teaching time. Kids, preschool thru 5th grade, will be given the opportunity to go to "Gathering Kids" with our great volunteers to learn how to pray, memorize a verse and activity. We also have the option in our "Kid's Corner" where your kids can grab a bag filled with items just for them or you can retreat to our quiet room where you can see/hear our Gathering

Connecting with Our Community

Following our worship gathering on the 3rd Sunday, we head back to the “Family Room” for a time of “friendship and food.” We always have a great spread and it’s a great chance to get to know us as we get to know you!